Steam Night

On February 29th 2024, I had the privilege of hosting an event about bats at my school’s STEAM Fair. We started the night at 6:30 pm making small bat-inspired crafts. Once word got around about my event and more people joined, I began my presentation. I had prepared a presentation to teach children and parents the importance of bats in an ecosystem, making sure to explain how they help us, and how we can help them. It was fun being able to debunk common myths about bats that most people believe. For example, did you know it’s extremely rare for bats to carry harmful diseases? In fact, less than 0.5% of bats carry rabies. These gentle and fascinating creatures are often misunderstood, and it was immensely rewarding to share their truth, challenging preconceived notions and fostering a deeper appreciation for the role bats play in our environment. Steam night Presentation

Steam Night Pictures